Tuesday 6 May 2014

Where Should We Stay? (1st Week in L.A)

Where Shall We Stay.....How About A Boat?

Life at the Marina is anything but regular. What is the first thing you think of when you think about living on a boat? Has it ever occurred to you? I never gave it much thought, until I ended up living on one. I used to think being in one place for too long was boring and perhaps I finally got my prayers answered, I am constantly moving and when it gets stormy I feel like my stomach is getting just a bit too much action. As I attempt to write this post the boat is rocking back and forth and the table I am writing on is kind of permanently tilted to the left (or so it feels). 

Living on a about isn't for everyone, and it’s not like anything else you can imagine. Say goodbye to space, and hello to squeezing and space management. Their isn't even space to make a mess, so you better learn to be organized. 

Where do you sleep?
Well we sleep in a designated sleeping area, just at the front of the boat. The area has some boat cushions that are placed on top of wood. I am not going to lie, it's not comfortable, but on a still night the slight movement of the boat can be pretty relaxing. It's also very quiet in the marina. (Except for the security guard that comes by every half an hour)

Where do we cook?

At the moment our boat doesn't even have a fridge which means we have only been consuming Bagels, and mostly bagels with peanut butter. Oh yea, we also have bananas. We do  have a stove, but besides ‘canned’ ravioli’s we haven’t attempted to make anything else. Again, space! There are two of us living on this boat which means if one of us is sitting down the other one has to sit or lay down by the bed area.  Getting dressed is pretty nightmarish…I have decided that I shall start getting dressed in the public bathrooms..at least I can properly stand up there.

Now I have just sounded totally negative about this experience which I don’t mean to do, its just I wish I could write without being rocked back and forth. It’s okay when it’s not windy but today its particularly windy and I keep thinking I am going to flip over. 

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